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Service Learning

What is service learning at CCCS?

What is service learning at CCCS?

Love Action
Community Collaborative Charter School (CCCS) has always been committed to helping students work in their community in positions that allow them to reflect on their personal values and contribute to the common good. Because of our commitment, the school has developed a generous repertoire of agencies and community services that, as a consequence, have allowed students to work alongside them for the purpose of service learning.
For the past 20 years, our service learning program has reduced school dropout rates, while increasing student maturity and self-respect, connection with the school and the community, and the value of service to others. We anticipate facilitating service learning opportunities that will impact students long after graduation and shape their future choices to make a difference in their spheres of influence in life.
Our Mission

Our Mission

It is the mission of the CCCS Community Collaboration/Service Learning course to provide high-quality curriculum, instructional support, community and social resources, and create multiple pathways to meet the diverse needs of our student population.
Camp Polluck
Service Learning provides students with an opportunity to use skills and knowledge in real-life situations and extends learning beyond the classroom and into the community. Our goal is that students will become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service they perform.
Service Learning Graduation Requirement

Service Learning Graduation Requirement

To graduate with a diploma from CCCS, students must complete the minimum 2.5 credit Service Learning requirement. Service Learning strengthens ties between students and the community, encourages students to explore areas of interest, and allows students to use educational skills and knowledge in real-life situations. While Service Learning is a graduation requirement, students from all grades can participate in any of the service learning options. We want to encourage students early to pursue active engagement within their community. 
To complete the Service Learning a student must complete one of the following options:
Traditional Model for 2023-24
  • Students attend a 3 hour class for the full semester, and will earn up to 5 credits.
  • Students participate in the full student led & designed service project supporting one of our community partners. They will group together based upon which partner they want to work with & support during the semester. Students will create a project to impact their partner using an inquiry based model, where they choose a focus, design and plan the project, put it together, and put it to action. Students will do a group presentation at the end of the semester to highlight their project and the impact that they made. 
In addition, students will get a chance to both volunteer directly with our community partners up to 6 times during the semester. Students will also participate in leadership and values labs throughout the semester as well as other work/service lessons such as resume building, work interest survey, financial aid, internships, mock interviewing, life after graduating, college/career readiness. These will help them see the connection between community service and real-life job skills.   

Possible community partners: Camp Pollock, St. John's, Loaves & Fishes, Sac Food Bank, Camp Ross Relles, Horses, Hope & Healing, Salvation Army, Iceland
Non-traditional Community Collaboration options

Non-traditional Community Collaboration options

Springboarding + Camp Ross Relles for students who are graduating earlier than December. 
  • Students will still attend the first 4 weeks of Springboarding
  • Students can attend the 3 day CRR trip, but must do an individual presentation about their experience. 

Springboarding + individual service hours, reflections, and presentation
  • Students will attend Springboarding
  • Students must locate and volunteer at a community partner for a minimum of 15 hours.
  • Students will complete leadership and job skills packets, and do an individual presentation on their experience. 

Cultural Diversity 
  • This 6 week class, led by Jody Decker, will focus on DEI issues in our community and feature a student led project to impact the local community.
  • Groups will do a presentation about their project and experience.
Peer Mentoring mentorship 
  • Students who take the peer mentoring class in the fall, will be able to work as a peer mentor, for a minimum of 15 hours, and do a presentation about their experience. 

Student Reach Baja Trip
  • Students who have taken the SR 1 week intensive (3 different weeks to choose from) will be able to do the Baja Build a House trip.
  • Students will do reflections and a presentation about their experience.